Avneet Kaur buys swanky Range Rover worth over ₹80 lakh, Neha Kakkar says ‘proud of you girl’. See photos, videos

Avneet Kaur purchases stylish Range Rover worth over ₹80 lakh, Neha Kakkar says 'glad for you young lady'. See photographs, recordings

Avneet Kaur buys swanky Range Rover worth over ₹80 lakh, Neha Kakkar says ‘proud of you girl’. See photos, videos

Avneet Kaur, who is set to make her Bollywood debut in a lead job with Tiku Weds Sheru, got herself a pristine Range Rover. See her Instagram post here. Entertainer Avneet Kaur got herself a fancy Range Rover and shared photos of her and her family presenting with her new vehicle.

She additionally shared a video of her cutting a cake with her dad. While the specific sum spent by her isn't known at this point, the cost of a Range Rover Velar in India begins at ₹83 lakh (ex-display area). "This is my extended time of dreams working out. #2022 #bucketlist #anotherone #blessed," Avneet composed as she posted the photographs on Instagram. "Pleased with you young lady!" vocalist Neha Kakkar remarked, while her sibling, artist Tony Kakkar said 'numerous congrats'. TV entertainer Reem Shaikh dropped heart emoticons on the post.

 Avneet, 20, was first considered to be a candidate on Dance India Dance Li'l Masters. She is referred to for network shows like Chandra Nandini and Aladdin - Naam Toh Suna Hoga. She is at present outfitting to make her Bollywood debut in a main job with Tiku Weds Sheru.

Tiku Weds Sheru is delivered by Kangana Ranaut under her flag Manikarnika Films and furthermore stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Beforehand, she commended Avneet and composed on Instagram Stories, "@avneetkaur13 you are here a result of your persistent effort and ability… glad to track down you, couldn't want anything more than to see you as a top entertainer sometime in the not so distant future." 

In a meeting with the Times of India in 2020, Avneet discussed her excursion from an artist to an entertainer and said that she needs to take a shot at heading as well. Whenever asked where she sees herself later on, she said, "Individuals truly get stunned when I say this yet I truly need to be a chief and be behind the camera. 

I don't have the foggiest idea where my life will bring me 10 years down the line. I trust anything I pick I am blissful and it is wonderful."

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